3D Scan Store | Adam Spring Official Website

3D Scan Store | Adam Spring Official Website

A recent job I worked on involved a collaboration with the 3D Scan Store. They asked me to work up a set of 30 expression scans for a bundle to go on their store.

If you want to see more on the workflow I used for this project, you can check out my older post on creating blendshapes from FACS scan data – click here.

Here’s the link to their store if you want to take a look at the full set – https://www.3dscanstore.com/3d-head-models/expression-scans/female-01/expression-scans-female-01

See below some animation tests I did with the expressions and also some presentation images from the product listing on the 3D Scan Store website.

3D Scan Store | Adam Spring Official Website 3D Scan Store | Adam Spring Official Website 3D Scan Store | Adam Spring Official Website

3D Scan Store | Adam Spring Official Website 3D Scan Store | Adam Spring Official Website 3D Scan Store | Adam Spring Official Website 3D Scan Store | Adam Spring Official Website 3D Scan Store | Adam Spring Official Website


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